Rebuilding Your Abdominals Postpartum

Jul 11, 2023
Align Pilates Pregnancy Postpartum

Postpartum is a transformative period of restoration and adjustment after the incredible journey of growing, birthing, and nourishing a new life. It is a time of both beauty and empowerment, as well as challenges and exhaustion. While sleep is the ultimate way to restore energy and agility, fragmented sleep patterns often accompany the postpartum phase, leading to additional stress and fatigue. To support your postpartum journey, several factors come into play, including a trusted support group, balanced nutrition, professional guidance, medical support, and movement. In this discussion, let's focus on the significance of movement in rebuilding your abdominal connection.

What happens to my abdominals during pregnancy and childbirth?

During pregnancy and childbirth, significant changes occur in the abdominal muscles. As your belly expands, the deepest layer of your abdominals, which acts like a corset, stretches and thins. This layer has a close relationship with your breathing and pelvic floor muscles, both essential for abdominal connection and core strength. The stretching and thinning of these muscles can lead to abdominal separation, also known as diastasis recti.

Rebuilding your abdominal layer and rediscovering the connection between your abdominals, breath, and pelvic floor is a vital aspect of postpartum recovery. Establishing this connection is crucial in rebuilding core strength after childbirth.

So, how can you reconnect with your abdominals?

First and foremost, in the initial weeks after giving birth, before receiving clearance from your doctor to resume exercise, take time to lie on the floor with your baby and focus on your breathing. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Lie on your back with your feet up on a couch. Inhale, allowing your belly to naturally expand, and as you exhale, concentrate on contracting your abdominals (transverse abdominis) as if you are drawing a corset together at the front. Ensure your spine and pelvis are aligned, maintaining slight gaps under your neck and lower back, in a neutral spine position.
  • Enjoy some "Tummy Time" - not only beneficial for your baby but also provides excellent feedback for your breathing. Lie on your stomach with your hands under your head, inhale into your belly, feeling the pressure into the ground and the movement through your ribs as they expand. As you exhale, continue to focus on contracting your transverse abdominis.
  • Progress to a 4-point kneeling position, with hands and knees hip-distance apart, hands directly under your shoulders, and knees under your hips. Maintain the same breathing focus, expanding and contracting your abdominals as you inhale and exhale.

Every individual's prenatal and postnatal journey is unique, and the extent of abdominal separation may vary. Regardless of the response your body had to pregnancy, reconnecting with your abdominals post-birth can benefit everyone.

Once you receive medical clearance to resume exercise, the focus shifts to connecting and strengthening your deep abdominal layers. These muscles lengthen and contract as you breathe. Begin by concentrating on this contraction and connection to support your movement.

With consistent practice, you will gradually rebuild your abdominal connection, enhance strength and tone in your core, and unleash the power of your central powerhouse. A strong core impacts your balance, stability, and overall movement, improving posture, muscular performance, and preventing long-term injuries throughout your body.

Remember, each postpartum journey is unique, so it's essential to listen to your body, seek professional guidance when needed, and progress at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Celebrate every step forward in rebuilding your core strength, as it contributes to your overall well-being and postpartum recovery.


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